This forum is for members of the STF to share information for the common good e.g best practice, examples, advice and support regarding difficulties faced by the sector (e.g. Covid19).
By taking part in this forum members agree to:
Keep all comments strictly confidential. All information posted is subject to the terms of the confidentiality agreement signed by member companies. Posts from members who do not have a valid confidentiality agreement will not be listed.
Provide factual and helpful Information
Include the member name, date and source of any advice referred to
Avoid opinion and/or entries which could be construed as personal information about individuals.
All posts and shared information provided on the forum are subject to the STF’s overall disclaimer policy as set out below.
Note that any member information shared about the current Covid-19/Coronavirus situation is unverified by the STF and must therefore be separately checked directly by members between themselves or by contacting ABTA and not via the STF Support or Information help services.
STF Disclaimer Policy wording:-
Any information or advice provided or shared by the STF, STF members, STF staff or representatives in whatever form is intended as a guide only and should not replace advice from a lawyer or health and safety professional on any specific area. The STF cannot accept responsibility for any losses suffered as a consequence of relying on the information contained in or shared on this forum.